Coto Makassar
SOUP with seasoning broth. The main content of this soup is beef. For those who do not have problem with cholesterol, you can also enjoy the innards such as intestine, liver, lungs, heart, tripe, or cow brain. Do not ask the taste. It is delicious. Coto flavor of sereh, galingale, coriander, caraway, onion, garlic, salt that has been mashed, salam leaves, lemon, and peanut. Coto Makassar usually presented with ketupat. In Jeneponto Regency, coto contain horse meat.
Fish Head Soup
IN Makassar language, this food called ulu juku. It is big head red fish cooked with coconut milk sauce, some spices, and sowed with fried onion slices. It appearance and aroma will surely arouse appetite to eat. Head of red fish is cooked long time enough so the meat becomes soft. Taste of coconut milk and spices are so delicious. Fish head soup served as a side dish of rice. Chili sauce is usually available for those who like spicy taste.
Konro Soup
KONRO soup is the most popular Makassar traditional food in Indonesia archipelago. This soup made of beef or buffalo ribs. Cooked and seasoned with spices and served warm with white rice. Hmmm ... it is very delicious. Dressing consists of coriander, caraway, sereh, kaloa, onion, garlic, cinnamon, clove, and lime juice. Now also available grilled konro. Ribs roasted with spices. Konro soup can be enjoyed at: Sop Konro Karebosi Restaurant, Gunung Lompobattang Street No 39/41, Makassar, South Sulawesi
Sup Saudara
SUP saudara is a typical food of Pangkep Regency. This food is soup with broth. Contain of beef or buffalo meat, white noodle, potato ball (perkedel), garlic, onion, and sowed with fried onions. Dressing are contains of spices such as nutmeg, cinnamon, coriander, turmeric, cumin, and ginger. The food is tasty if served with white rice. In many places, the soup is also served with fish or grilled seafood.
Pallu Mara
PALLU mara is fresh fish soup. Yellow color because of turmeric seasoned. Once you see the food immediately shows freshness and delight taste. The food is typically served with white rice. Fish that becomes pallu mara main material are usually tuna, milkfish, or lamuru. Flavor consists of of turmeric, tamarind fruit, star fruit acid, onion, garlic, chili, stem, and basil.
Pallu Basa
THIS is a food with thick sauce broth. It's very tasty. Consist of beef or buffalo or viscera of both animals. Savory taste comes from rice coconut brownish sprinkled to the sauce. Pallu basa is delicious eaten with white rice. Pallu basa dressing consist of tamarind, serai stem, ginger, salt, sugar, onion, garlic, coriander, pepper, and grated coconut riced. Chili sauce is available for those who like spicy taste.
Pisang Epe
PISANG epe is roasted banana. It is a typical food made from unripe banana. The banana is made thin dan roasted. Food is served with brown sugar sauce that usually mixed with the durian or jackfruit. It aroma can arouse appetite. Pisang epe can be enjoyed along Losari Beach.
Es Pallu Butung
THIS food is made from ripe banana that cut and steamed. The banana is cooked with coconut milk mixed with wheat flour, sugar, vanilla, pandanus leaf, and a little salt. The food is nice served with ice and red syrup. This food is suitable sarved as covers menu. Es Pallu Butung can be enjoyed at along Losari Beach
Es Pisang Ijo
ES pisang ijo is made of plantain banana. Wrapped with wheat flour dough, coconut milk, water, and pandan leaf or suji leaf. Pandan or suji function as green coloring. Served with white rice sauce, ice, and syrup. The food is usually served as a cover menu. Banana ice can be enjoyed at along Losari Beach
BARONGKO is a typical cover food of Bugis tribe. Dough made from ripe banana, coconut milk, and eggs. The dough is wrapped with banana leaf and steamed. To arouse taste, the dough is usually mixed with jackfruit. Barongko is delicious eaten cold. Photo Source
THIS is as nutritious snack made from fresh fish. Wrapped with banana leafs. Usually served before eat staple food. Complement with chili sauce. Just sop it to the chili sauce, than bite it. Nyammm ... The main material are tengiri fish, sago flour, rice, and wheat flour. The material is mixed with pepper, sugar, salt, eggs, milk, kusai leaf. The dough wrapped with banana leaf than steamed or baked.
BAROBO is rice porridge that cooked with spices, mixed with vegetables such as pumpkin, spinach, or kangkung. Barobbo is very suitable to be eaten with fried salted fish or corn meatball. This food is served with tomatoes sauce. The main material of barobbo consists of rice, vegetables, onion, garlic, and salt. Barobbo also known as bubur manado (manado porridge).
THIS is a typical food Luwu Regency. Made from heart of a banana has been finely pounded, mixed with fish and fresh fried grated coconut. It's tasty, fresh, and natural. Food is served as a side dish of rice and eaten with suitable fish soup. There are a few pieces of red chili served with lawa. So that does not require condiment as a complement. Lawa is also quite delighted in Makassar and easy to be found. Lawa can be enjoyed at: Aroma Palopo Restaurant, Kasuari Street No 2, Makassar, South Sulawesi Photo Source
THIS is a typecal cuisine of Tana Luwu. However, kapurung is quite famous and delighted in Makassar. Kapurung is soup that contains vegetables, shrimp, and sago. For some people, this food has a sensational taste. The main material consists of sago, leafy vegetables, heart of banana, basil, long beans, sweet corn, and shrimp. Flavor consists of red chili, onion, paste, and peanut are mashed. Lime condiment is available for those who like spicy teste. Kapurung can be enjoyed at: Aroma Palopo Restaurant, Kasuari Street No 2, Makassar, South Sulawesi
SARABBA is a typically drink made from a mixture of spices such as coconut milk, brown sugar, ginger, and a little pepper. Served with yellow egg and chicken or duck and mixed with sweet condensed milk. In Indonesia language it is called serbat.
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