Explore Maros-Pangkep Rocky Hill

28 March 2009

SOUTH Sulawesi has a very large hilly area, namely Maros-Pangkep rocky hill. It is the third widest rocky hill in the world with about 4,500 hectares outward. Explore the rocky hill and see the wealth in it.

Location of Object
This rock hill located in two regencies, namely Maros Regency and Pangkep Regency. It is about 50 and 100 kilometers north of Makassar City. The rocky hill range can be seen clearly from the trans-Sulawesi road connecting Makassar-Parepare. 

Maros-Pangkep rocky hill is not only stone array. There are also 268 caves. In addition have beautiful stalaktit and stalakmit. The caves are also became habitat for rare fauna and prehistoric site. 

Rare habitats are living there, such as black monkey (macaca maura) and the 125 butterfly species from about 400 species that have been living in it. Unique biota are also living in the caves. Some species identified as the only one in the world. 

Unique biota that lived there typically result in the life of the dark cave. Transparent skin, eyes and even blind, while it sensor organ grow rapidly. Arthropoda has a long antenna as taste organs. Some unique biota are: 

- Blind cave fish has transparent body 
- Blind cave scorpion and the only one in southeast Asia 
- Blind shrimp
- Typical bats (nyctmene cephalotes) 
- Spider crab (cancrocaeca xenomorph) 
- Fresh water isopoda from the well-type of cirolana marosiana has transparent body 
- Blind beetle of coleoptera sp 
- Some types of cave crickets that have not yet identified 
- New type of spiders

Cave had been made as a result of washing of carbonic rock. It is not only interesting because of beautiful ornaments in it. The cave was also became a place where the human species take refuge in the past. The caves are inhabited by human and cultural past. That is prehistoric cave. 

The most easily access is from Bantimurung tourism place which is located in east of Maros Regency Capital, about 50 kilometers from Makassar City. 

Bantimurung can be reached by rental car or private cars during two hours trip. From the central city of Makassar entrance to the Reform Highway, then take direction to go to Maros through Ir Sutami Highway.

If you want to use public transport, you can depart from Daya Regional Terminal, and then use the transport to Maros. From Maros take direction to Bantimurung

If you want to track the rocky hill, it is better if you contact the local tourism department or get guide services in the tourism area.


Article Source:enjoy-makassar.blogspot.com


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