Gorontalo: Some Hotel Address

28 April 2009


Saronde Hotel
Walanda Marmis Street
Phone: (0435) 824144

Yulia Hotel
Ahmad Yani Street
Phone: (0435) 828395

Wisata Hotel
23 Januari Street
Phone: (0435) 821736

City Hotel
Basuki Rahmat Street
Phone: (0435) 822437

Krawang City Hotel
Basuki Rahmat Street
Phone: (0435) 822437

Citra Hotel 
Merdeka Street
Phone: (0435) 821249

Melati Hotel
Gajah Mada Street
Phone: (0435) 821853

Wisata Leato Hotel
Leato Street
Phone: (0435) 824144

Sumber Ria
Budi Utomo Street
Phone: (0435) 23888

Budi Utomo Hotel
Budi Utomo Street
Phone: (0435) 821564

Mutiara Hotel
Andalas Street
Phone: (0435) 825778

Imam Bonjol Hotel
Imam Bonjol Street
Phone: (0435) 826240

Ahmad Dahlan Street
Phone: (0435) 23463

Budi Utomo Street
Phone: (0435) 22789

Pertiwi Street
Phone: (0435) 21088

Teluk Kau
S. Parman Street
Phone: (0435) 21785

Sinar Utama Hotel
Sam Ratulangi Street 
Phone: (0435) 822147

Asia Baru
S. Parman Street
Phone: (0435) 22635

Panjaitan Street
Phone: (0435) 828881

Liberti Hotel
Kasuari Street
Phone: (0435)

Horison Hotel
Ahmad Dahlan Street 
Phone: (0435)

Andalas Raya Hotel
Andalas Street
Phone: (0435) 824382

Lika Hotel
Ahmad Yani Street
Phone: (0435) 821296


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Gorontalo : Some Restaurant Address



Gorontalo Restoran
Panjaitan Street 3
Phone: (0435) 825578

Budi Utomo Street 9
Phone: (0435) 828131

Nyiur Indah 
Kaswari Street 35
Phone: (0435) 822622

EL-EM Café
Husni Thamrin Street 2
Phone: (0435) 821550

Merdeka Street 
Phone: (0435) 822598

S. Botutihe Street 
Phone: (0435) 825448

S. Botutihe Street 
Phone: (0435) 25448

Black Marlin
Leato Street
Phone: (0435) 25448

Karsa Utama
S. Botutihe Street
Phone: (0435) 25448

Puja Sera
Kartini Street
Phone: (0435) 25448

Pondok Kasuari
S. Botutihe Street
Phone: (0435) 25448

Pondok Pitate
Kasuari Street
Phone: (0435) 25448

S. Botutihe Street
Phone: (0435) 25448

Kasuari Street
Phone: (0435) 22622

Raja Eyato Street
Phone: (0435) 21365

Pertokoan Murni Street
Phone: (0435) 24365

Basuki Rahmat Street
Phone: (0435) 24338

Pertiwi Street 
Phone: (0435) 21813

S. Parman Street
Phone: (0435) 21461

Pondok Indah Permai
Panjaitan Street
Phone: (0435) 21850

A. Yani Street
Phone: (0435) 22153

Gajah Mada Street
Phone: (0435) 22631

Panjaitan Street
Phone: (0435) 22080

Ahmad Yani Street
Phone: (0435) 25448

KH. Agus Salim Street
Phone: (0435) 823031

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Gorontalo: Traditional Celebration of Tumbilotohe

A. Brief Information

Tumbilitohe derives from Gorontalo language, tumbilo means set and tohe means lamps. Therefore, Tumbilotoho means setting lamps. Historically, it has been celebrated by Gorontalo people since the 15th century. It is usually done on the last three days of Ramadhan month (Fasting month), 27th – 30th of Ramadhan, started from maghrib (6 p.m.) until subuh (4 a.m.).

In the past, it was intentionally aimed for lightening Muslims to distribute Islamic tithe at night. At the time, lightening alliances were made of resin torch and latex. Considering that the stock for resin torch decreased time by time, they had ever turned to padalama (coconut oil) then turned to petroleum.

As the time goes by, now Gorontalo people tend to use modern lamps but some of them prefer to use the petroleum lamps. Those petroleum lamps are hung on every beam decorated by young coconut leaves. Banana, as the symbols of prosperity, are also found on the top of those lamps and also sugar cane as the symbols of sweetness, cordiality and the glory of Eid El-Fitr. This tradition has a distinctive attractive power for the local inhabitants and surrounding people living in Manado, Palu and Makassar.

B. Distinctive Features

Gorontalo City turns into a glittering city when the tradition of Tumbilotohe takes place. Every part of public service buildings such as local government office, mosques, even football yard, is decorated by colourful lamps. Moreover, farmlands and empty land are also full of flickering lamps which are painted with beautiful mosque, calligraphy and Al Qur`an pictures. 

This three-day celebration is more interesting when the attraction of bunggo (bamboo cannons) is played by children competing each other. All of those bamboo cannons are faced to the people`s homes, proposed to awaking the people for having sahur (the meal eaten before daybreak during the fasting month). By such atmosphere, you will feel its religious nuance and strong solidarity of surrounding people. 

C. Location

Tumbilotohe is in the city of Gorontalo, Gorontalo Province, Indonesia.

D. Access

It can be reach by land, water and air transportations. For you living in Sulawesi Island, you can take any public transportation but for you who are outside Sulawesi Island, you must take either water or air transportations. There are two harbours in Sulawesi Island, Gorontalo Harbour and Anggrek Kwandang Harbour in the district of Gorontalo. In addition, for air transportation, there is an airport in the sub-district of Tibawa, Gorontalo District about 35 km from Gorontalo City.

E. Ticket Price


F. Accommodations and other Facilities

There are many supporting facilities such as hotels, restaurants, worship places, car rentals, and communication devices. 

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Gorontalo: Gorontalo City

A. Brief Information

Gorontalo Province is the biggest corn producer in Indonesia whose products are exported abroad to Malaysia, Singapore, and Gambia (West Africa). Besides as export commodity, this sweet corn is also used as the ingredient for typical food of Gorontalo people named Binte Biluhuta. Corn is the major ingredient for making binte biluhuta; it is mixed with tuna fish, cakalang fish, tengiri fish and shrimp. It is categorized into fresh and tasty soup, proper to be served on cold weather, especially for people who get flu.

Binte bilihuta is favourite food of Gorontalo people. In 2005, about ten thousand people ate this typical food of Gorontalo Province, standing in a row along Ahmad Yani Street to Panjaitan Street, Gorontalo City. That is why, it got an award from Museum Rekor Indonesia (Indonesian Records Museum) No. 1.761.

B. Distinctive Features

Its distinction from other kinds of food is its various tastes; sweet, sour, and hot, which is dished up in different styles. As a distinction to other foods, its ingredients consisting of chilli, papaya leaves, lime, are put on separated bowl. It totally depend on you, for hot taste, add some chilli that have been ground roughly, while for bitter taste, just put some sliced papaya leaves, then combine them on your soup. However, for sour taste, you may add extract of lime so that you can taste the sour soup blended with krius-krius corn and aromatic basil.

Though its main ingredient is fish, it is not smell or putrid since it is mixed with the tastes of sour, bitter, sweet and hot, typically found on lukewarm binte biluhute.

C. Location

Entering the gateway of Gorontalo City, you will easily find many cafeterias offering binte biluhute.

D. Access

It is easy to find many cafeterias offering binte biluhute, just pick any public transportation such as motorized pedicab, bendi, mikrolet (minibus), and bus.

E. Ticket Price

It costs range from IDR 5.000 to IDR 10.000 per portion.

F. Accommodations and other facilities

There are many inns or hotels in Gorontalo City for you who want to spend more days in the city.

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Gorontalo : Some Interesting Places

Otanaha Fortress is one of omission tourism objects of colonization era in Gorontalo city. This fortress is about 7 km from the downtown.


Lake that has special navigation building is located in road boundary between Batudaa district and Gorontalo city. Limboto is a useful lake as irrigation source and as fish recreation place just for that have fishing hobby. Limboto Lake can reach using personal vehicle or common vehicle with traveled about 16 km from Gorontalo city.

Lombong is 40 km from Gorontalo and reachable by public transportation. There's a swimming pool filled with hot springs water and a nearby river with cold water. This pool can reach to apply personal vehicle, with traveled about 10 km from the downtown. In this bath is also available artistry podium.


"Ju Panggola" graveyard is located in Kota Barat district, Lekobalo sub-district, about 7 km from Gorontalo downtown. This graveyard is located on hill with 50 m height from roadway. From the top of this hill can see Limboto lake which is wide, with more stall water and, from depth of 32 km now remain 5 up to 7 m. "Ju Panggola" graveyard, has visited by a lot of tourists every day, either domestic tourist and foreign tourist, and some of them execute to pray in Ju Panggola Mosque, to request healing from the pain that has suffered.

Baiturrahim Mosque is the old mosque in Gorontalo city area. The mosque build to be concurrent with the development of town Gorontalo, which is new removed from Dungingi to Gorontalo city in 1140 H or 1726 M by King Botutihe. The mosque is build in the center of government empire (Botutihe) such as: Yiladiya (King House), Bantayo Pobuboide (Market Building / Deliberation Hall), Loji (Residency house), Apitaluwu (king security and safety functionary) and Bele Biya / Bele Tolotuhu (empire functionaries houses).

This Dulohupa customhouse stay at 500-m2 widths ground and equippeda with flowerbed, and a souvenir building place and there is a gig empire garage building, which also called Talanggeda. Dulohupa Custom house is located in Limba sub-district, Kota Selatan district, Gorontalo City.

Gorontalo features some of the best-preserved colonial houses in Sulawesi. The city's local hero is Nani Wartabone, an anti-Dutch guerilla, and there is a large statue of it dressed like a boy scout in the sports field adjacent to the Hotel Saronde. Nani Wartabone Monument is built in 1987 during Drs. A. Nadjamudin government as Gorontalo governor. This monument stay in front of Gorontalo Province Governor's house on duty. This monument built to remind Gorontalo public historic events on 23 January 1942.


Lahilote Beach is a real interesting tourism object and is properly visited. In this beach there is a sole stone. Lahilote Beach is located in Pohe sub-district, Kota Selatan district, about 6 km from Gorontalo downtown.
Tourism object that has a sole stone is located in Lahilote Beach Pohe Sub-district, Kota Selatan District, about 6 km from Gorontalo downtown. Botu mean stone, Liyodu mean sole, thus Botu Liyodu is stone that looks like a sole.

According to legend, this sole stone is a young man sole named Lahilote, because he loves a fairy from fairyland named Boyilode Hulawa, he risking to steal shawl, the fairy wings, but on his household, Lahilote leaved by the princess to return to the fairyland.

For the twice, Lahilote risk to propose Princess Boyilode Hulawa to fairyland with the tip of miraculous cane help called Hutiya Mala. Meeting with his wife, was unique, and confused because the seventh of fairy, had same face and confess entirely named Boyilode Hulawa, so that it was difficult for him to determine who is the real Boyilode Hulawa. Because of firefly help that alighting on his wife bun, Lahilote find the princess. Based on the constitution on fairyland, it is say that whosoever become stripper and hair has grizzled, he must be returned to the world, because fairyland is not place of man who memilikiproses had old.

The princess had discharge her husband Lahilote and put him down by her grizzle hair, which knitted become a string. But between the earths and the sky, that grizzle string was broke, and Lahilote rapidly fall down to the earth in stand position. His right foot falls along Pohe beach Gorontalo city and his left foot was fall to Kwandang beach in Gorontalo regency.

This Lahilote legend hitherto still said by public as folklore for the hereinafter generation. Lahilote beach remain to be tourism object for Gorontalo public and foreign tourist.

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Gorontalo Tourism Maps

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